Quarterlife Services2022-02-18T20:19:32+00:00

What Is A Quarterlife Crisis?

If you are having one, you probably already have a sense of what a quarterlife crisis feels like. No two are exactly alike, however. Often, one feels lost—trying to identify what is missing or what to do next. Not knowing what to do can be crippling and sap motivation. For others, a path has already been chosen, and navigating the transition has proven to be overwhelming.

A quarterlife crisis, which occurs in your 20s or 30s, is a time period when you feel stressed out and have doubts about how to transition into adulthood. It is often accompanied by worry that you won’t make the “right” choices.

We Understand Where You Are

While being in your 20s and 30s can be an exciting time of life, it can also feel overwhelming. This is often the time when you are experiencing so many things for the first time, like transitioning from school to a full-time career, deciding whether to go to graduate school, moving to a new city, ending a relationship, getting engaged, increasing individual responsibility, and budgeting your finances. You may think you should have it all figured out already.

Sometimes quarter-life issues present themselves as fundamental choices—comfort in a relationship or job v. taking a risk; fun lifestyle v. settling down; financial support v. independence. No matter what the issues, a quarter-life crisis is a difficult thing to successfully navigate.

We are here to help you understand who you really are and to create the life that you want.

Quarterlife Counseling Can Help You

Our skilled Quarterlife Center (QLC) Counselors specialize in working with individuals and couples in their 20s and 30s in a supportive, caring, confidential setting. Our philosophy is that counseling should be a partnership between therapist and client. We will work together to help you identify your passions, achieve your goals, and thrive in your life. Read our Client Testimonials to learn more about how QLC can help you.

Quarterlife Services

We offer the following types of services to clients:


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