Depression, Mental Health

We May be Quarantined, but Our Character is Not


<< Back to all Blogs We Maybe Quarantined, but Our Character is Not:What We Do When No One is Looking While quarantine has deprived many of us of our routines, our social outlets, our familiar ways of getting through the day, it has provided us with something surprising: a window into people’s character. Often, [...]

We May be Quarantined, but Our Character is Not2021-07-27T21:00:20+00:00

Facing a Quarter-life Crisis? Here’s What You Need to Know


<< Back to all Blogs The quarter-life crisis is real. It is an identity crisis (experienced by some as an existential crisis) that occurs as a quarter-lifer (in their twenties or thirties) struggles with the transition to adulthood. If you are facing a quarter-life crisis, here are 3 things you need to know. [...]

Facing a Quarter-life Crisis? Here’s What You Need to Know2021-07-28T14:26:54+00:00

How to Support a Depressed Mom on Mother’s Day


<< Back to all Blogs Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate motherhood. Simple, right? Not exactly. For many people, this day can get a bit complicated, depending on many factors, like your relationship with your mother, and your feelings about being a mom yourself.  This is true especially for moms who [...]

How to Support a Depressed Mom on Mother’s Day2021-07-28T14:29:44+00:00

Coping With Post-Partum Depression on Mother’s Day


<< Back to all Blogs Many women experience post-partum depression and/or post-partum anxiety after the birth of their baby.  Symptoms include anxiety and panic attacks, feeling worthless, fear of not being a good mother, fear of being left alone with the baby, excessive irritability, mood swings, sadness, crying uncontrollably for long periods of time, disinterest [...]

Coping With Post-Partum Depression on Mother’s Day2021-07-28T14:33:03+00:00

How To Help A Grieving Young Adult


<< Back to all Blogs Grief has many causes and many faces. Losing a loved one, and then feeling alone in your grief can feel devastating. Grieving is never easy, but the grieving process for young adults (quarterlifers) is particularly rough. With a few exceptions, a young adult doesn’t expect to face the [...]

How To Help A Grieving Young Adult2021-07-28T14:46:55+00:00

Individual Counseling in a Nutshell


<< Back to all Blogs Have you been thinking about starting therapy? Are you wondering what it will be like? This blog post gives you an idea of what to expect. What is individual counseling? The term “individual counseling,” (also known as therapy, psychotherapy, and talk therapy), is counseling that focuses on an [...]

Individual Counseling in a Nutshell2021-07-28T14:57:02+00:00

The Quarterlife Crisis: Yes, it’s a real thing.


<< Back to all Blogs Check out the Quarterlife Center's article published in The Greenville Journal: The Quarterlife Crisis: Yes, it's a real thing. "I can think of no more exciting time of life than one’s 20s and 30s. It can also be a daunting and disorienting period. What makes it exciting [...]

The Quarterlife Crisis: Yes, it’s a real thing.2021-07-28T14:58:40+00:00

4 Ways You Can Be Happier At Work


<< Back to all Blogs Do you complain about your job, feel irritable with coworkers, and/or dread going into work? It’s not unusual to get down about your job once in awhile, but chronic, every-day dissatisfaction demands a closer look. Maybe it’s time to find out what is going on! My 4 tips for helping [...]

4 Ways You Can Be Happier At Work2021-07-27T21:27:45+00:00

How To Help A Millennial With Depression


<< Back to all Blogs Worried about a loved one in their twenties or thirties who seems depressed? They may be having a quarterlife crisis, which is a common experience during emerging adulthood, as young adults are turning 25 or approaching 30. Millennials who are going through a quarter life crisis are at [...]

How To Help A Millennial With Depression2021-07-27T21:30:15+00:00

Binge Drinking & The Quarterlife Crisis


<< Back to all Blogs This post about binge drinking will: • Provide important information about the increasing prevalence and risks of binge drinking • Explain why quarter life crisis adults and millennials are at risk • Help you determine whether you are a binge drinker Over 16% of adults in the U.S. [...]

Binge Drinking & The Quarterlife Crisis2021-07-28T08:15:43+00:00

5 Signs You’re Having A Quarterlife Crisis


<< Back to all Blogs What am I doing with my life? Why don’t I feel motivated? Am I ready to settle down and get married? Why are my relationships so difficult? Should I go to graduate school? How am I supposed to support myself? If you are asking yourself these types of [...]

5 Signs You’re Having A Quarterlife Crisis2021-07-28T08:17:53+00:00

Your Top Counseling Questions Answered


<< Back to all Blogs Have you been thinking about starting therapy? Unsure how to select the right therapist for you? Or perhaps you’ve already scheduled your first appointment. You may still have questions about how this all works. People often want to know what therapy is really like and what to expect when [...]

Your Top Counseling Questions Answered2021-07-28T08:24:51+00:00

Therapy Schmerapy


<< Back to all Blogs Psychotherapy. If that word were ever uttered at my family’s dinner table the only thing that would follow would be the sound of crickets. You see, self-awareness and introspection were not family values taught in my house. What was taught was to meet expectations and stay out of [...]

Therapy Schmerapy2021-07-28T08:30:05+00:00

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